All in a day's Work

Yesterday we went to the student center to finish out Jon's service hours for scouts. He, Jonathan, Rachel & I worked our little fingers off. We had so much fun though! We laughed, worked and enjoyed each others company, well except Rachel & Jon enjoying each other! Jonathan told them they deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize!! Jon only needed 2 hours but we worked 4 1/2. We painted the pillars on stage & at the back of the room. They were scuffed up pretty bad. Then painted by the stairs & the bottom of the View mailbox. Then we swept & mopped the stage,with sponges on our hands & knees! Then the worst part...we cleaned Josh's store room. What a MESS!! But you can actually walk back there now & find stuff. Then cleaned the cafe, music storage room & restrooms. We found the rug that used to be on stage & cleaned & vacuumed it, and put it back on stage. Jon seemed to be really proud of all the work. His best work, according to him, was finding the golden throne & rigging a light in it. Now the inside glows...he found that so amusing!! It was alot of work, but more fun! Posted by Picasa