Sunday, June 26, 2005
Great Friend, Great Times!

Today, Jonathan came home with us after church. We had a BLAST!! On the way home, they blasted me out with Metallica. Talk about a shell shocker just after leaving the relaxation of church! We had lunch, jammed in Jon's room on the drums, guitar & p.a. system. Then went 4 wheel riding, Jonathan ran Jon up into the woods through one of those big "Alien spiders" --they are just pure creepy! Then back for halo & cake! And we still have 2 more hours of FUN!

Sunday, June 12, 2005
Alright, maybe I was wrong!
I can't believe I am doing this! Since there is now a boy from the youth group working at Albertson's, I am now an official "Pusher of the cart to the shopping cart corral"!! But I want the world to know that it is only at Albertson's & J.B. just happens to have to go get all the carts. I still think that it is a cheap way of corporate America to get us, the consumers, to work for free. But, if it makes J.B's job easier, then I will do my part...but once again, only at the Albertson's on Highland!
My life was so much easier when J.B. was in school!
My life was so much easier when J.B. was in school!
Bye, Bye Love

Well, at 9:30 this morning, we said our goodbyes to David, he was leaving, & then drove Jon to meet the troop & sent him off for a week at scout camp. Rachel & I just watched a movie & I cried my eyes out over the doofiest movie! I hate to admit it, but it starred Hillary Duff!! Isn't that funny! I think I just needed a good cry because I was missing my boys! But, now that my cry is over, I will be focusing on good times with Rachel....GIRLS WEEK!!!! She will be at camp & back when I get home from work, yeah! I was impressed, Jon came up & gave me a kiss goodbye & said he was going to miss me! I just LOVE that kid! I think Adam Terrell is the 2nd row, 8th from the left? Not sure, but I think it's him!

Saturday, June 11, 2005
Rachel's Big Day!

Today was Rachel's first day at horse riding lessons. It was so awesome! And she will be at horse riding camp next week, if we line it up with our new sitter! She was so excited. I think the best thing about the lessons is the fact that they are teaching her how to brush the horse, clean it's hooves, saddling the horse & putting away your gear. She also tells why you do certain things while you are riding. It's teaching her quite a bit. And here she thought she was just going there to ride!