Bye, Bye Love

Well, at 9:30 this morning, we said our goodbyes to David, he was leaving, & then drove Jon to meet the troop & sent him off for a week at scout camp. Rachel & I just watched a movie & I cried my eyes out over the doofiest movie! I hate to admit it, but it starred Hillary Duff!! Isn't that funny! I think I just needed a good cry because I was missing my boys! But, now that my cry is over, I will be focusing on good times with Rachel....GIRLS WEEK!!!! She will be at camp & back when I get home from work, yeah! I was impressed, Jon came up & gave me a kiss goodbye & said he was going to miss me! I just LOVE that kid! I think Adam Terrell is the 2nd row, 8th from the left? Not sure, but I think it's him!

Thanks for the picture! My camera battery was dead so I didn't get any.
P.S. Talked to Adam and one of the adults tonight---things are much better now. Thanks!!
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