GOD ROCKS! That is Jon's first words when David told him the news.
It all started six long weeks ago, when my mom was admitted into Reid Hospital in Richmond, IN. She was diagnosed, 90% certain, with colon cancer. The doctors could not run the usual tests because she had such a bad infection that could give inaccurate readings. So they diagnosed her off of a cat scan. For the past few weeks, we have prayed, cried and just had to endure such a long wait. She had to heal from surgery, she had a complete blockage in her colon, so they put a bag on her until they remove it. The first test, due to cysts on both ovaries, a pap smear came back abnormal. They did a biopsy yesterday, but do not think it is cancer. The second test, a colonoscopy done Wednesday, found a large mass which they took a biopsy, a smaller mass that they removed & hundreds of polyps. I cried all afternoon Wednesday and Thursday. Just feeling so helpless, so far away and not knowing whether to disrupt my kids lives and go home. I spoke with my mom early Friday afternoon and we talked about hearing the doctor tell her it's cancer. I reminded her of the Dr. telling her that he has seen large tumors that are confined and small ones that spread rapidly. That we just had to pray & be patient until the surgery when we could finally find out the extent of this. We still had 2 hours of waiting until her Dr.'s appt. All day long, I had planned to have the evening by myself, cleaning the house and forgetting my worries, quiet prayer time, and time to cry by myself-without scaring the kids. While my heart is the heaviest, the phone rings, my mom's voice just filled with excitement. " Sharon, you're not going to believe this, all the test show that the tumors are benign!" I just have to wait for the cervix biopsy, but he said it did not look cancerous. Tears of Joy!! My night was spent in prayers of thanksgiving and a night of whistling while I worked! Thanks to everyone who has kept my mom in their prayers! :-)