Thursday, September 22, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Happy Birthday, B.B. King!

David shared a really cool story with me this morning, so I'll pass it on.
Yesterday was B.B. King's birthday. So at the show last night our good friend Jake Berry was running around, with his crew members, frantically trying to find a phone with speaker phone capabilities. They were lucky and found one, so on stage at last night's concert, Bono calls B.B. and wishes him a happy 80th Birthday! How cool is that? Gotta love U2!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Happy Birthday, Jon!

Yesterday was my first born's birthday. Yes, Jon turned 14, hard to believe! In the middle of all the hurricane sadness, we did find time to rejoice. We went to eat at the Olive Garden, celebrated with gifts at home, and ate Boston Cream Pie. He sure has matured so much lately and has done some remarkable good deeds through church & scouts. Saturday, he is going with the chainsaw group from Istrouma Baptist to help clean up in Mandeville. He sure does make me very proud.

Sunday, September 04, 2005
Breaking my Heart
Well, we finally have power, we got it Saturday afternoon. After cleaning my house and how wonderful it was to vacuum!!, I am trying to get caught up on the mess of Hurricane Katrina. I've been hearing so much critisism of our Governor and it has had me somewhat baffled. So what better to do when you're baffled but read! Now, my stomach hurts, my eyes are puffy and my heart is breaking. I sure do hope that the lack of help for New Orleans and other parishes gets a well deserved investigation. I'm not sure if it will be a fair one, though. I just think of the accusations made by George Galloway of our govt. and nothing was ever done...not even mentioned in the news. I just can't help but not trust our president & his staff. Here's a clip of the president of Jefferson Parish, Mr. Broussard, I cried and cried & I hope he gets the investigation that he is calling for.