Rachel spotted a Speckled King snake going through the yard this afternoon. Jon jumps into action and grabs a stick..I thought he was going to use it to hold it's head down while he grabs it. OH NO! He grabs the snake by it's tail, takes the stick and puts it in front of the snake and the snake wraps around the stick. The snake doesn't even strike. It's weight is supported by the stick and he feels secure. I guess all those years of watching the crocodile hunter paid off!! What a cool snake too. Jon had it wrapped around his neck barely holding onto it and it just stayed. Too Cool! Gotta love nature!
I am the mother of 2 amazing kids. Jon is 18, Rachel 14. Jon is the kindest person that i have ever met. Rachel is strong, independent and I love it.
Smiling all the time and loving life!!