Gave me a FRIGHT!

Rachel and two of her friends are quietly sleeping in her room, yet they still managed to scare the crap out of me!! I'm thinking that they might have done it on purpose too.
Last night we got home around 9:30 from church and they were immediately outside on the 4 wheeler taking a night ride. I could hear them for the longest time outside talking and laughing. It must have been after 11, they ran upstairs screaming and straight to their room....never did find out what had them so scared. Then they were in their room the rest of the night....that's why I think they purposely scared me.
I get out of the shower this morning, get my most wonderful first cup of coffee and sit down on the couch. The dogs are outside and I feel something hairy hitting my leg. I look and there is this massive pile of hair, i junp off of the couch gasping, thinking some wild animal got in somehow. It doesn't move so I get closer. It's stupid hair extensions from one of the girls!!!
I may just rig it to the top of their bathroom door so when one of them gets up and walks in, it will fall down and freak them out!!!! :)
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